Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11. We left Arthur with a tailwind and everything went well for about half an hour. Then, we turned due west, the wind switched and we were barely able to make 6 mph. By the time we got to Cooperstown we were sunburned, windburned, hot, tired and lucky to get the the last room in town due to their summerfest. Decided we had seen enough of the country for now and felt as though we'd learned a few things about bike touring and camping that will make our next trip a little easier. The next day was able to locate a u haul truck in Valley City, ND about 48 miles from Cooperstown. Got off to a late start, about 11, and headed south toward Valley City to pick up the u haul. With the wind against us once again, we rode 26 miles in about 3 1/2 hours. Stopped and asked a fisherman directions, he said we were about 25 miles away with a lot of big hills to come, which I didn't tell
Kim. When we made the turn, Kim said I hope theres not a lot of hills. We stopped at an intersection to take some aleve and a pick-up truck happened along. I flagged him down, asked if he was going to Valley City, and how much for a ride. He said no charge and we loaded the bikes in the back. He was a very nice guy. He was an outfitter for white tail deer and bird hunts. He had a loaded carbine between the front seats he said he used for coyote. It took us over 1/2 hour in that truck to make the last 18 miles. After seeing all the hills, it would have taken us another 4 or 5 hours of biking. I told the guy I think he saved our marriage. It started raining before we got to the motel and as we unloaded the bikes it really let loose. Found out later a tornado had touched down just a few miles south of us. Someone was watching over us. If anyone wants to go hunting, I have
George's card. Got a 20 ft rental truck, we're on our way home enjoying the ac and the smooth ride.


  1. Hooray! We'll see you soon. When do you think you will be home?

  2. I'm so glad you guys are coming back now, I've missed you!!!!
