June 26, Sunday. Day 13. Ate breakfast at Perkins with the hotel vouchers. We left winona at about 9:00. Right outside of town we stopped at a county park for a few minutes and while we were there we met a guy riding his bike to twin cities, heading the same way as us. He was an older, hippy type of guy. We kind of played tag with him all day. Stayed on 61 all day. It had wide shoulders and traffic wasn't too bad. Even though the last 14 miles had rolling hills we didn't have to push. We pulled into lake city MN about 4:00. Stopped for pizza at trillions, then went to city park to camp on lake pepsin which is a natural lake on the Mississippi. We have a campsite on the bank where we've been watching the eagles soar. They've been flying right over our heads real low. Looks like rain tonight.
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Looks like you guys had a nice view!